Information on the early repayment of the subordinated Tier 2 loan intended for inclusion into additional capital in the amount of EUR 45 million

24th December 2019

The company NLB d.d. (hereinafter also: the company) has on 17 September 2019 entered into a loan agreement relating to a EUR 45 million of subordinated Tier 2 loan intended for the inclusion into additional capital (hereinafter also: the loan) to strengthen and optimise its capital structure.

The company may only include the loan in calculation of additional capital according to Article 63 of CRR regulation after obtaining an approval from the ECB pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 129 of Zban-2. As such approval has not been granted by 23 December 2019 and is not reasonably expected to be granted in the near future, the company will exercise the prepayment of the loan in January 2020.

Prepayment of the loan will not jeopardise compliance by the company with the regulatory capital requirements, including capital buffers and other currently known requirements, applicable to it.

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