Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d.   Home Slovensko

The average number of employees during the year was 3,201, with almost 4,000 at the end of the year, including 1,157 from the daughter banks who joined the Bank in October.

As the Bank believes in the importance of training, the level of investment has increased by 5 per cent in the past year, which goes towards further strengthening our internal training resources via the Bank's Educational Centre which ran over 120 programmes of which 46 were newly introduced; and selective external courses both in Slovenia and internationally.

Resourcing is of key importance for any organization, and especially so for a rapidly growing financial institution that has to achieve international competitiveness. The Human Resource function leads this key activity by ensuring that the Bank is well positioned to the external market as a quality employer, that the internal environment is at the cutting edge, and that the terms and conditions are commensurate with best practice.

Training, recruitment, retention, internal attitude research, programme development and implementation, as well as HR administration and record keeping are the main functions of HR, all driven to help the Bank achieve recognition not only as one of the largest employer in the financial services sector, but as the best employer, with world class standards.