Share Capital


Issuer: Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana
Ordinary Shares ISIN: SI0021117344
Ticker: NLBR
Stock Exchange: Ljubljana Stock Exchange (LJSE)
Global Depository Receipts (GDRs)

Regulation S GDR ISIN: US66980N2036

Rule 144A GDR ISIN: US66980N1046

Ticker: NLB
Stock Exchange: London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Associated securities: The underlying Ordinary shares which are listed on Ljubljana Stock Exchange. 5 GDRs represent an interest in 1 ordinary share
Offering size 20,000,000 Shares

Share Information

Source: Ljubljana Stock Exchange. The displayed information represents non-real time information, intended exclusively for informing of investors (for private purposes only), whereby any processing and/or distribution thereof is prohibited.

Ownership structure of Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana (NLB)

NLB's issued share capital is divided into 20,000,000 shares. The shares are listed on Prime Market of Ljubljana Stock Exchange (ISIN SI0021117344, Ljubljana Stock Exchange trading symbol: NLBR) and the global depositary receipts (GDR), representing shares, are listed on the Main Market of London Stock Exchange (ISIN: US66980N2036 and US66980N1046, London Stock Exchange GDR trading symbol: NLB and 55VX). Five GDR represent one share of NLB.

The following table represents NLB's main shareholders as of 30 June 2024(i).

Shareholder Number of shares Percentage of shares
Bank of New York Mellon on behalf of the GDR holders (ii)              10,076,353   50.38
• of which European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (iii) / >5 and <10
Republic of Slovenia 5,000,001 25.00
Other shareholders 4,923,646 24.62
Total 20,000,000 100


(i) Information is sourced from the NLB shareholders book available at the web services of CSD (Central Security Depository, Slovenian: KDD - Centralna klirinško depotna družba) to the CSD members. Information on major holdings is based on self-declarations by individual holders pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Slovenian legislation, which require that the holders of shares in a listed company notify the company whenever their direct and/or indirect holdings go over the present thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 1/3, 50% or 75%. The table provides all self-declared major holders whose notifications have been received. In reliance on this obligation vested in the holders of major holdings, the Bank postulates that no other entities nor any natural persons hold directly and/or indirectly ten or more percent of the Bank's shares. (ii) The Bank of New York Mellon holds shares in its capacity as the depositary (the GDR Depositary) for the GDR holders and is not the beneficial owner of such shares. The GDR holders have the right to convert their GDRs into shares. The rights under the deposited shares can be exercised by the GDR holders only through the GDR Depositary and individual GDR holders do not have any direct right to either attend the shareholders’ meeting or to exercise any voting rights under the deposited shares. (iii) The information on GDR ownership is based on self-declarations made by individual GDR holders as required pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Slovenian law.

Key Figures per Share

in EUR 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Book value 82.7 80.8 84.3 97.6 103.9 114.1 139.9
Dividend per share  13.53 7.13 - 0.60 / 0.64 / 3.37 5.0 5.5 5.5
Earnings per share (EPS)(1) 11.25 10.2 9.7 13.5 11.8 22.3 27.5

(1) NLB Group earnings per share

The dividend payment is shown in the year in which the profit was generated.

Dividend Payment Information

Dividend amount  EUR 5.5
Dividend payment date Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Date of record Monday, 24 June 2024
Ex-dividend date Friday, 21 June 2024

Dividend Taxation - Refund Procedures



Request for reduction or exemption of tax on dividends based on provisions of the Treaty on avoidance of double taxation of income (to be submitted to the payer of the dividend before dividend pay-out) :

Instructions for filling in the form:

Request for refund of tax on dividends based on provisions of the Treaty on avoidance of double taxation of income (to be submitted to the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia):

Instructions for filling in the form:

GDR holders

For the purposes of Slovenian tax regulation, the GDR depositary is considered to be the intermediary. Therefore, the dividends paid by the trustee to the GDR depositor are subject to withholding and payment of the Slovenian tax of 25%. The holder, owner of the GDR or the beneficial owner may, to the extent permitted, claim a tax refund. The request for repayment is submitted to the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

Refund procedures for withholding tax on income from dematerialised financial instruments received for a third-party account (Article 383d of the Tax procedure Act (Slov. ZDavP-2).

1. Tax refund procedure with a written application in accordance with the Tax Procedure Act, Article 383d, Paragraph 1: the form and instructions can be found here

2. Tax refund procedure with an application in the event of advantages granted in accordance with an international treaty for the avoidance of double taxation: the form and instructions can be found here

3. Tax refund procedure with an application for tax refund in the event of a legal measure set forth in the ZDDPO-2 (Corporate Profit Tax Act), if the recipient of income may not deduct the witholding tax paid in Slovenia in his state of residence: the instructions can be found here (point 1.4)


30 June 2024

NLB Group: 149.7 EUR


Valerija Pešec
Head of Investor Relations
T: + 386 1 476 9122

Investor Relations         

Peter Jenčič
Investor Relations
T: +386 1 476 2620

We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year!