The financial literacy workshop for the deaf and hard of hearing

28. October 2019

Following the successfully completed first set of the Theatre Interpreter initiative, the NLB made a step forward a few months ago in the process of improving the inclusion of the deaf and hard of hearing and facilitated the process of performing the basic banking services via video call, as the first bank in Slovenia made possible due to the presence of a Slovenian sign language interpreter. Positive responses of the users to this new service encouraged us to organise a financial literacy workshop with interpretation into the Slovenian sign language at which the deaf and hard of hearing received valuable advice on how to cope with daily and unexpected financial challenges.

Today, changes are the only constant in people's everyday life and the planning of financial safety is therefore of utter importance; it is taken care of once we have saved up a backup reserve and are saving for pension reserve.

»Financial literacy has a significant impact on our lives but still, we usually fail to pay adequate attention to it. Today we have once again been reminded of the importance of balancing our wishes and needs with a well-made financial plan and we found out that a lot of things are quite doable in life, if only we approach them from the right direction. I believe I am speaking on behalf of all the participants if I say that we have gained valuable knowledge and encouragement to think about what we have been told and to successfully integrate it in our lives. Thank you, NLB, once again, for caring and helping us improve the inclusion of the deaf and hard of hearing into the society,« said Gorazd Orešnik, President of the Ljubljana Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and workshop participant.


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